Playin around with the visuals that the dark one looks like from many other illustrations.
Want to start getting a feel of drawing many images based around the church and what they cencore to what they put out as visuals over the years.
This image is based on a image i found on the internet that turns out to be a image of a vampire but at first i thought it was a good devil and used its frame work to start off my image.
Drawn in pencil, then inked with brush and ink and the scanned into photoshop to add the colour and a few effects to build up the image.

Iv been playing with the process that im using to come up with these images. Instead of taking ages to draw the image in each stage im trying to get the pencil base layer done quicker ad use the inking to build up the illustraion and create more of the form in tat area. Also using the digital software to clean up and alter any mistakes.
Playing around with the idea of a reaper in front of the fiery dooms of hell. A colorful Hell, Playing around with the build up of effects and textures in photo shot.
Feeling like the flat colour in these images is taking something away from them, I need to paint out a and scan in some test sheeets of different paints like watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache and maybe some inks seeing if this will help in making the image appear flat and boring.
Needs stuff in the background as this spot image of just a single thing is a bit plain and un exciting. Look at what the religious groups use to help depict hell
Added some other flames for the fire. just playing round on building up the image by adding different layers to see if i can build up my interruption of hell.
Need to use less bright colors and much more detail with beast and torture.
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