Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Panopticism institution and instructional

Power of groups that over power over other groups. 
Physical institution condition our thoughts and behaviours make some people succeed and don't. 
Our thoughts ideas are influenced by the society. 
Disposing to control and to shape us.
Essay- start of with history and build upwards.
Who ever was confirmed useless was punished and locked up and then was forced house of correction-to work in production work. If you didn't work in the house of correction you was beaten until you worked. The birth of the asylum, hospital, the prison to direct to a certain group of people. The asylum operated on a different disopling, the used different techniques to control the insane. The inmates was infantised, they was treated like children, by reworded when behaving in correctly.
With the birth of infatuation came the birth of forms of knowledge of special. Biology, psychiatry,medical, etc.
They all sure in one way or another, to teach us to control our selfs.
In pre modern times, were we had a King, the goal of punishment wasn't to control or to train, the goal of punishment was to be grizzly... If people could see the punishment, this is what happens to you when you don't behave. To show the power of the King. The control of the King over your body. 
The modern society use more mental methods of discipline, 

Panopticon - Jeremy Bentham 
Was a design for a building. A multifunctional space, a hospital, prison, asylum or a uni. A place were  individuals would be kept. Have been used today as prisons 
London Tate gallery was once a prison ground- cube prison, institutional gaze,

Because of the lay out and design the cells are designed to only be. Able to see the watch tower at the middle. The view of the controller. 
In the panopticon you are been watched and every move is been recorded. 

The panopticon internalises in the individual the conscious state that he is always being watched. After a while of been watched you will conform and create self regulation. 
- reforms prisoners 
- Helps treats patients 
- Helps instruct schoolchildren 
- Helps confine but also study the insane
- Helps supervise workers 
They was so effective that actually after a while you don't need a supervisor for the panopticon to work. 
This is how our society organises the knowledge, it's power, it's surveillance of bodies and it's training of bodies. 

This method is used today, call centres and office space are now more open plan and are visible to the boss, makes them scare not to work because they are more on display. Even pubs with open design and having the bar tender on view at all time. Feel soulless because there open spaced and your always on display. We live in a cctv way. Not just about watching it's about recording the behaviour. 

The cult o the gym, you could figure the cult of health as the panopticon method. Punish your self, train your self to perfection. Been told how to eat and what to eat and hat is healthy for you.is it to make you healthier to make you work longer because of the work retirement age.

Facebook the most panopticon place ever evidence of today. Allows you to watch and be watched by others, can't really be your self on this its all about making an image of what you think others want to see you as. 

Somthing to our day to day were we are watching to or video games were it shows what it is to be a man or woman or healthy or a successful life. These are not our thoughts these are chosen for us.

The excercise of power relies on there being the capacity for the power to resisted.
Where there is power the is resistance. 

Power actually trains us in the way that poeple expect of us, even though it's a mental prosess. Is courses us to self monitoring, self correction obedient bodied                             (docile bodies )


Sigmund Freud 

A theory of desire- 

Repression and the unconscious 
The unconscious in unknowable 
A structure of the human psyche unconscious pre conscious and the conscious zones 
Infantile sexuality stages of psycho sexual development 
Primitive drives Eros (libido) and Thanatos (death instinct)
developed extensive theories about the psyche and human sexuality 

Freud structural model

The top represents the conscious of our self
The mid section the subconscious 
The lower the unconscious 

ID the word that Freud made up to call the unconscious.

Freud cast study 

Little hans- symptoms- generalised anxiety and acute fear of horses, bitten by an horse 
Origin-Oedipus complex- hans Oedipal desire and subsequent castration anxieties sustained unconsciously and manifested as fear of horses (symbolically the horse represents his farther.

Phobia of the horses was accompanied by two significant fantasies which he told of his father. In the first hans had several imaginary children. When asked who their mother was, hand replied why mummy and your their granddaddy. I'm the second fantasy, which occurred the next day hans imagined that a plumber had come and removed his bottom and widower and then gave him another one of each but larger.

Jacques lacan- 

Language constitutes thought - language thinks me, I exist within language as a discourse 
The arbitrariness / differential nature of language allows that meaning psyhic is allowed to change and distort- symptoms desires.
Desire is neither the appetite for satisfaction, nor the demand for love, but the difference that results from the subtraction of the first from the second
Lacan stresses grows and becomes more independent this leftover desire must be directed towards normal rational things. 

I am able to desire because I am desirable. 

Identification with a parental figure, the infant must identify with a parental figure in order to successfully overcome the Oedipus complex - this identification formulates the subject conception on their gender - the parental figure being the archetype of that gender.

Friday, 30 October 2015


1 [ attrib. ] relating to society or its organization: alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem | the social structure of Europe had become more fluid.
• relating to rank and status in society: a recent analysis of social class in Britain | her mother is a lady of the highest social standing.

relating to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society: the cultural diversity of British society.


of or concerning history or past events: historical evidence.
• belonging to the past: famous historical figures.
• (especially of a novel or film) set in the past.

• (of the study of a subject) based on an analysis of its development over a period: for the Darwinians, biogeography became a historical science.

1 of or relating to the government or public affairs of a country: a period of political and economic stability.
• relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics: a decision taken for purely political reasons.
• interested in or active in politics: I'm not very political.
• motivated by a person's beliefs or actions concerning politics: a political crime.

the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry: advances in computer technology | [ count noun ] : recycling technologies.
• machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge. it will reduce the industry's ability to spend money on new technology.
• the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

Ralph steadman- british politics - 1997

British Politics

Unknown but its great big fat cat controlling the world not giving a shit about anything buts his wonderful profit.

The mighty Terry Gilliam i think this could be as reflection of corporate disney and how it sucks the whole family in.



"In economics, austerity is a set of policies with the aim of reducing government budget deficits. Austerity policies may include spending cuts, tax increases, or a mixture of both." taken off google when i searched the word austerity. 

We had a quick walk into town and i was looking for scenes  that i could take a photo of to best represent austerity best 

Businesses cant afford to compete with the rising taxes and the massive globe companies that are moving in next door. 

Unused spaces turn into dumbing grounds, cant afford for a proper site to store they stuff. 

Places of education have to sell out and exploit they students with global brands moving in on them even in they libraries  

Waste/Rubbish is left in the streets for days waiting for the bin wagon to come collet it. i have seen plenty of rats in the lat few weeks on this street on my way to and from uni. 

People are so skint they have to take their food home in a trolley as they can't afford the new 5p 

Thursday, 7 May 2015

OUIL401 Evaluation

Leeds College of Art
OUIL401 Context of Practice Credits 20
End of Module Self Evaluation

Sam Metcalf

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

How to write a essay and research at a higher level. Think about how I can make a image to represent something I have written.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your practical outcomes?
Using a index in a book to get the place of  the information I need not trying to read a whole book to get a few sentences of information. Cutting down what I have copied s not to have massive quotes filling up my essay.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

My confidence in using Photoshop to help create my final poster I feel like I’m enjoying using the program now instead of battling my way to the end.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

My academic work, go to student support and ask for help.
Plan out my artwork better at the start of the project and try get a clear understanding of what im to produce.

5. Identify five things that you feel will benefit you during next years Context of Practice module?

1.Pick a subject or topic I will be able to learn and understand better.
2. Go to student support more at the start of the research and essay.
3. Do the written work first and get it out of the way, so I can enjoy the rets of the unit.
4. Ask for things to be explained in a less complicated langue, so I can understand what is been asked of me so I can get a clearer head start.
5. Try enjoy the unit more don’t hate it just because it’s a academic unit.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’)

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
1 2 3 4 5
Attendance 5
Punctuality 5
Motivation 2
Commitment 1
Quantity of work produced 3
Quality of work produced 2
Contribution to the group 1
The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self-evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

A copy of your end of module self evaluation should be posted to your studio practice blog. This should be the last post before the submission of work and will provide the starting point for the assessment process. Post a copy of your evaluation to your COP blog as evidence of your own on going evaluation.


Really struggle with academic work and this I feel has had a massive impact on the work I produce. From the start I feel over whelmed by what iv been asked to do and struggled with this whole unit.

Final presentation slides

This turned out to be a better success then i first thourt, like how my slides have all turned out. i decided to leave them looking abit rough as it added to the activist look. And within doing this brief i have loved doing the text by hand with dip pen and ink , then scanned in this gives a nice hand drawn feel to them better on the eye then standard keyboard type.

Visual Propaganda poster

So for my poster I tried to display the visual representation of propaganda from the last 300 years like in my presentation.  So to do this i selected the key elements that i felt other people would recognise such as statues, paintings, religious symbols, moving on to more modern methods such as war posters tvs,  leaflets and flyers, then i took it to the very modern such as laptops/computers, gossip mags, mobile phones and the leful social media. 

I started out drawing and copying each individual element but when i stared to put these together using Photoshop the whole thing just looked crap so i decided  to start again.  

Statues Buddha and Easton Island , very recognisable as statues. 

Grand picture frames used to grab the views attention. 
Religious symbols 
Newspapers and a ear from the ww2 poster 'loose lips sink ships'. 

TV sets. 


Social media logos and some more religious symbols. 

The planet Earth, heard its nice this time of year. 
This is the stage i got to when i realised i did not like how it was looking so decided to start again. I liked the style with all the elements piled up on top of each other just not the method i was doing it in.

So i started again and this time I hand drew all off the bits together on one bit of paper and scanned it in to use Photoshop to colour it.

I was happy with this style much more from the start, so i just used photoshop to add colour and tidy up my lines and get the scale correct. 

To finish off the poster i added the earth so it appeared that all the visual propaganda was stacked up on top of our beloved planted like dirty washing hanging out for everyone to see. 


REally happy with the out come of this poster. the only thing i would change is how the image is composed with the arrangement of the elements. I think if i did this a gain i would do what i did on my first attempt and draw each image separately and scan it in , then build up the poster. this would give me a freedom to move the elements around and try new lay outs before settling on the final composion.  

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Is propaganda still as widely used in today’s society? An analysis of propaganda from world war two to present day.

This essay aims to look at whether in today’s modern world we are still influenced by propaganda. It starts by looking at what propaganda is. This will be followed by a discussion of how propaganda was used in world war two and a comparison from this to today’s society. In order to understand whether propaganda is still used to today we must first define what propaganda is and its origin. Propaganda is not something that can be quickly or easily defined.

The Cambridge university dictionary defines Propaganda as

‘information, ideas, opinions, or images, often giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people’s opinions.’ (Cambridge dictionaries, 2015)

This tells is that the aim of propaganda is not to inform but to influence. This idea is backed up by the following quote.

‘The actual Latin stem propaganda- conveys a sense of “that which ought to be spread”’ (World-War-2.info 2014).

The key word here arguably might be ‘ought.’ This is because it suggests that those who spread propaganda are deeply motivated to do so.

Harold and Lasswell write that ‘Propaganda is the management of collective attitudes by the manipulation of significant symbols’ (1927 p627). Jowett and O’Donnell (2015) talk about propaganda as a form of communication that uses persuasive strategies (Jowett and O’Donnell 2015 p 2). Propaganda is used to show a message that will influence the public encouraging a specific idea or concept. This message normally has an agenda that is to argue a case that is heavily one sided following an ideology to influence people. Each side of the argument uses propaganda techniques in their favour, most of the time not telling the whole story and heavily highlighting the areas they are focusing on to make their opponents look weak.  

When the use of propaganda emphasises purpose, the term is associated with control and is regarded as a deliberate attempt to alter or maintain a balance of power that is advantageous to the propagandist. Deliberate attempt is usually linked with a clear institutional ideology and objective.’ (Jowett and O’Donnell 2015 p 4)

Propaganda aims to control what its target audience believes by making what they portray as the undisputed truth. This could be based on an ideology that could be political, religious or philosophical. (Changing works 2002-2015)

‘Propaganda, in the most neutral sense, means to disseminate or promote particular ideas.’ (Jowett and O’Donnell 2015 p 2)

Jowett and O’Donnell (2015) give examples of how propaganda has in the past been used to help increasing awareness about things such as disease or road safety. Propaganda can be or has the potential to be neutral and generally positive, examples include public health recommendations, or signs to encouraging citizens to report crimes or take part in an election. Now propaganda has a very negative stigma attached to it and is often described as manipulative. It uses selective facts, which could be seen as lying in order to get what it wants out in the public domain. The most contemporary example of negative propaganda is propaganda which is used to promote power of one group over another and a very clear example of this was Second World War propaganda. This clearly shows us the ideas of we are good; they are evil that propaganda thrives on.

‘Propaganda can be concealed or open, emotional or containing appeals to reason, or a combination of emotional and logical appeals.’ (American Historical Association 2013)

In fact, it is arguable that the emotional side of propaganda is far more powerful even than the logical appeal. Often in fact it appears not to even have a logical basis if examined. Most ideologies use propaganda as a way to portray their beliefs as the true one whilst also suggesting that other believes are false, bad and even evil.  The very nature of propaganda is that it is hidden, therefore what people believe is that what is said has to be truth. (Changing works 2002-2015)

‘The subject matter just becomes what is normal and the communicator of the message is not perceived as trying to persuade or manipulate.’ (Changing works 2002-2015)
When it becomes ‘normal’ it as its most dangerous- we stop questioning it.  Often it is aimed at people’s emotions rather than rational thoughts, in order to get a greater result. For example once the public have be told “true” horrors of war this makes them feel saddened which further imbeds theses facts in the person. These facts where not seen as lies, but were instead accepted by the public. There are many different techniques used in propaganda such as Appeal to fear, Appeal to prejudice, Bandwagon, Euphoria, Stereotyping or Name Calling or Labelling, Card stacking, Testimonial and Plain folks just to name a few.  (projectgutenburg, 2015)

It is discussed that in order for propaganda to have the desired effect the communicator needs to be a body or person that has a significant amount of power or control over communication through the mass media that reaches their target group. (Changing works 2002-2015). Using the specific example of world war two we can see clearly where propaganda is believed to have been a central focus. WW2 is not the first or only example of powerful propaganda use. Records show that we have been using propaganda since 16th century to win arguments.

 Propaganda in this form was introduced in the First World War by journalist Walter Lippman and psychologist Edward Bernays. There was an attempt  to sway public and official opinions for the United States to join the war and to support the British. This only took 6 months for them to produce a campaign that saw intense anti-German hysteria sweep the nation.  Observing the success of propaganda as a weapon in war, Hitler saw a great potential for controlling the public on a grand scale, which he put in to effect during the Second World War.

Propaganda in Germany was produced by The Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels (a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda) was the man placed in charge here. The German military and ruling bodies believed heavily in the use of Propaganda as a tool to win the war, as they saw in the First World War how effective the allies’ campaign had worked against them. So for this to work the Nazis took control of all media outlets and any stories that were to be published or broadcast had to have prior approval.

‘As well as generating information and encouragement the MoI was charged with protecting national security by controlling news and information produced by others.’ (Gardiner 2004 p132)

This is the first sign of propaganda as ideology and not as information is when the means of control are taken over. They even went as far as to try their propaganda on the international stage by trying to tell the people of France and Great Britain that they had no quarrels with the people but their governments where trying to go to war with the Germans and they had no choice but to fight back. (World-War-2.info 2014)

In World War 2 propaganda was used as away to belittle opponents to create a desired affected. Often spreading hatred of the opponents within the community and uniting them in a collective based on fear. The idea was then to rally support, encouraging a belief in the cause in order to get people to behave in a certain way; proposing positive things whilst hiding what was really happening. This was done using a variety of propaganda techniques many of which were also been used by the enemies to get support from their people to believe in what their leaders were doing was right for them. By using imagery and slogans that would influence everyday people they were able to rally support across the country. This also had an impact internationally as many of the posters where featured in national newspapers which where distributed around the world. So the rest of the world was also a victim of our propaganda.

Many of the posters stirred emotions in the public, which encouraged them to become more patriotic, the aim being to push more civilians to play their part and become fighters of the cause. In the World Wars this meant to take up arms and fight, or just simply demoralise the opposition to stir up the patriotism in everyone. In order to do this images of the normal average everyday workingman were used in the papers so people would feel like they related to the poster. (Laughey 2007)

See Image 1


This World War Two poster is a clear example of the British government telling the public it is down to what they do that will make the difference in the war. The “A.T.S” stands for the Auxiliary territorial Service that was a women’s section of the British army. It is clear to see that the poster in appendix 1 was used to pursued the British women to too sign up and take up they roll in defending they beloved country against the Germans and with they support the war would be won.

‘Posters that talked down to people by insisting ‘Your courage, Your cheerfulness, Your resolution will bring us victory’ or by inventing a series of irritating characters such as ‘Miss Leaky Mouth’, ‘Miss Teacup Whisper’ and ‘Mr Glumpot’ to warn against the dangers of rumour.’ (Gardiner 2004 p130)

A lot of these could be interpreted as stopping people from asking questions or complaining about their situations as according to the posters it was the whole country’s issue and we all needed to put this first before our own problems. These types of messages where sent from our own government to manipulate anyone and everyone into playing a role to win the war no matter who you were. Back in World War 2 people thought that the government, newspapers and radio would not deliberately lie to them and they honestly believed that the printed word in a newspaper or spoken word on the radio was the truth.

This made it extremely easy for the government to influence the public and in turn gain support during the war based on what they had read or heard through the media. The British government realised that in order to keep the public on-board and in favour of the war they needed to keep public moral high. If morale was high it would mean things were working effectively. Morale was measured through mass observation, which was particularly, useful during specific events such as by elections. Morale was important to ensure the public did what the government wanted and didn’t become alarmed and ask too many questions. With low morale people would stop believing in the cause, people wouldn’t want to sign up to be part of the war.

 The morale meant they had faith in it that they would sign up and comply. They were shown images, which were very patriotic. These told them what to do but without a real understanding of why they were doing it just it was in the country’s best interest for winning the war. If people didn’t do what was best for the country then they were persecuted and ridiculed, so to save embarrassment people just did what needed to be done in order to make their contribution.
It is interesting to compare British propaganda with some of the German ideologically motivated propaganda of the day…

This shows the power of appeals to guilt and to duty and to fear- 3 things which propaganda thrives on.

Propaganda in present day

In todays 21st century world we think we have moved on from the times of the First and Second World Wars, we believe that our governments have progressed into the 21st century but are we really any more advanced when it comes to noticing the use of propaganda on us. Laughey suggests that

‘propaganda continues to play a central role in todays military and political affairs, not least in the ‘War in Terror’.’ (Laughey 2007 P11)

An example of this can be seen in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, as Press and William suggest in in the quote below.

‘The effect of propaganda can be as profound as it was in Lasswells examination of propaganda in World War 1” (Press & William 2010 p79)

The two wars in Iraq were both started when the governments of the allied forces started tell tales of horrendous atrocities committed against the people in the country and surrounding areas. Once theses stories surfaced and the media got hold of them and they were everywhere for everyone to see. Because these stories are sometimes backed up by testimonials of those whom apparently where there we don’t question them. The main function of propaganda is through the use of the media, which is able to paint pictures of the world in our minds using they words and views. The public are dependent on the press for the source of its political opinion.

Some of the stories that lead to these wars starting turned out to be dubious influenced like the The Nayirah testimony that turned out to be a very real case of modern propaganda. Without this very real case of a false story was used to spread hate and fear to the world the first gulf war may not have happened. This story was headline news and got the public of many nations to support the efforts to remove the “evil” that had committed these crimes. A key finding of this essay is the following quote

‘Truth and the news are not the same thing’ (Press & William 2010 p70)

It is very difficult for individuals and institutions to comprehend why the news corporations would lie to us. The greatest power of propaganda is through the control of media and to control what is broadcast/print or discussed. Propaganda is often described as

‘A theory of hegemony in which news reporting tends to be sympathetic to government policies and corporate decisions and at the same time tends to marginalise dissenting voices.’(Laughey 2007 P204)

Over the years there has been lots of discussions around the influence media has on people and many theories around this have been created. A countries greatest weapon is their public’s opinion and by controlling this via the media it can be a great tool to have and use in times of conflict.  (Laughey 2007) We are bombarded with propaganda all the time it would seem but it’s just whether or not we all take note of it and react to what we are told. Some of the time the stories appear so farfetched that it’s hard to even give it a second read or believe much of it to be true.

In recent years it has been the west that has been the users of worldwide propaganda in particular The Bush Administration. When George W Bush was in power it seemed that America was scared by the whole world including they own citizen but in particular the Middle East got the full force of they fears. Through the use of the “War On Terror” they worked their way through Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and later on Libya offering only selective information to the public, which would encourage support of the need for war. Propaganda as described before is often the deliberate use of selective facts to rally support, which is exactly what happened here. What influenced these decisions were the 9/11 attacks in America these produced some of the worst scenes broadcast all over the media all around the world. From then on we where fed story after story about Al-Qaeda and they leader Osama bin Laden, this somehow lead to 29 country’s going to war with the extremists in Afghanistan and take down their government and try restore order to the country.

Then not long after this they turned they attention to Iraq and Saddam Hussein as they believed that he was hiding very large quantities of weapons of mass destruction that the whole world should fear and take action straight away. This war was not in the public’s opinion a good idea. There was no evidence shown to back this up, as it turned out after years of 1000s of service women and men from all over the world losing they lives for this campaign there never was any weapons of mass destruction ever found and was very clear to the world it was all about oil and profits to be made from it.  

See image 2

In the modern army of today they only need to use a few words to encourage young women and men to sign up. Just by saying BE THE BEST applies that you will be the best if you join them. Like the recruitment posters in the second world war this is more like a slogan that can be attached to a recruitment poster or it can be simple be used on its own. The Union Jack flag is clear and tops the text taking pride of place in letting people know who exactly they are.

In todays society there is a fine line between propaganda and publicity. (Laughey 2007)

- censorship automatically creates control over the media

Based on the research gathered from this essay I must conclude that propaganda is still very much used in today’s society. But for some reason even though we have the tools such as the Internet as much news as possible? to do our own research and look at many sources for the news we still depend on the big corporations to deliver the news to us. But these big corporations are only interested in sales and getting the most amounts of views on the TV, so they cannot be relied on to tell us the truth as most of the time the truth does not sell but a story loosely based on nonsense facts does.

I feel that we are much more prone to be exposed to propaganda in todays world as we live in a society that is built and ruled by profit, and they is not much profit in telling the true story’s instead we are engulfed in speculation and assumptions. Back in the days of World War Two Propaganda was used to sir up support to win a war that was been fought on our own front door step. Today it seems to be used to spread fear and hatred with no true cause to speak of. So it would appear that propaganda today far out weights the use of propaganda back in the 1940s and is not just a factor of war but also a factor of everyday life.

Today’s army don’t really have to rally up support for them to go to war as this is done for them via politicians and the media. The recent government sponsored advertising campaigns are proof of this. They only use campaign poster s when it coms to recruiting new young women and men, this is done by glorifying the army in what it does for training for war also the efforts of on-going support it goes around the world to help the people and place in need of man power.  Most of the time its not printed campaigns in news papers although these are still used most of it is done on TV adverts which are done very well in making the army seem like a great job opportunity that comes with some fantastic benefits like skills for life that you will be able to continue to use once you leave the armed forces. But more importantly it will make you go from boy to man.

So it’s fair to say that from the days of belittling your enemy to recruit it is now about making the people who do sign up feel like they are the better person for what they are doing, and the rest of us public should honour these people as they are the hero’s that we need to keep us safe. Even though these people sign up voluntarily to do their job they must be treated with the upmost respect like the men that were forced to go to war.

This essay set out to ask is propaganda still as widely used in today’s society. It has explored the period from WW2 to the present day. In summary it could be argued that the media bombardment we tend to experience is actually a good way to express what might be called propaganda. Arguably it is alive and well but just a lot more subtle.


Cambridge dictionaries on line (2015) Propaganda. Available at: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/propaganda (Accessed 10/04/2015)

Changing works (2002-2015) What is propaganda? Available at http://changingminds.org/techniques/propaganda/propaganda_is.htm [Accessed 10/4/2015]

Gardiner, J. (2004) Wartime Britain 1939-1945. Headline Book Publishing. London

Jowett, G and O’Donnell, V (2015) Propaganda and Persuasion. 6th edition. Sage, London.

 Lasswell, H. (1927). The Theory of Political Propaganda. . American Political Science Review, 21, pp 627-631. doi:10.2307/1945515.

Laughey, D (2007) Key Themes in Media Theory. Open University Press England
Press, A and William, B (2010) The New Media  Environment An Introduction, Wiley-Blackwell.UK

World-War-2.info (2014) World War 2 Propaganda. [online] Accessed at: http://world-war-2.info/propaganda/ 29/12/14

Image 1

Image 2