Sigmund Freud
A theory of desire-
Repression and the unconscious
The unconscious in unknowable
A structure of the human psyche unconscious pre conscious and the conscious zones
Infantile sexuality stages of psycho sexual development
Primitive drives Eros (libido) and Thanatos (death instinct)
developed extensive theories about the psyche and human sexuality
Freud structural model
The top represents the conscious of our self
The mid section the subconscious
The lower the unconscious
ID the word that Freud made up to call the unconscious.
Freud cast study
Little hans- symptoms- generalised anxiety and acute fear of horses, bitten by an horse
Origin-Oedipus complex- hans Oedipal desire and subsequent castration anxieties sustained unconsciously and manifested as fear of horses (symbolically the horse represents his farther.
Phobia of the horses was accompanied by two significant fantasies which he told of his father. In the first hans had several imaginary children. When asked who their mother was, hand replied why mummy and your their granddaddy. I'm the second fantasy, which occurred the next day hans imagined that a plumber had come and removed his bottom and widower and then gave him another one of each but larger.
Jacques lacan-
Language constitutes thought - language thinks me, I exist within language as a discourse
The arbitrariness / differential nature of language allows that meaning psyhic is allowed to change and distort- symptoms desires.
Desire is neither the appetite for satisfaction, nor the demand for love, but the difference that results from the subtraction of the first from the second
Lacan stresses grows and becomes more independent this leftover desire must be directed towards normal rational things.
I am able to desire because I am desirable.
Identification with a parental figure, the infant must identify with a parental figure in order to successfully overcome the Oedipus complex - this identification formulates the subject conception on their gender - the parental figure being the archetype of that gender.
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