So for my poster I tried to display the visual representation of propaganda from the last 300 years like in my presentation. So to do this i selected the key elements that i felt other people would recognise such as statues, paintings, religious symbols, moving on to more modern methods such as war posters tvs, leaflets and flyers, then i took it to the very modern such as laptops/computers, gossip mags, mobile phones and the leful social media.
I started out drawing and copying each individual element but when i stared to put these together using Photoshop the whole thing just looked crap so i decided to start again.
Statues Buddha and Easton Island , very recognisable as statues. |
Grand picture frames used to grab the views attention. |
Religious symbols |
Newspapers and a ear from the ww2 poster 'loose lips sink ships'. |
TV sets. |
Laptops |
Social media logos and some more religious symbols. |
The planet Earth, heard its nice this time of year. |
This is the stage i got to when i realised i did not like how it was looking so decided to start again. I liked the style with all the elements piled up on top of each other just not the method i was doing it in.
So i started again and this time I hand drew all off the bits together on one bit of paper and scanned it in to use Photoshop to colour it.
I was happy with this style much more from the start, so i just used photoshop to add colour and tidy up my lines and get the scale correct.
To finish off the poster i added the earth so it appeared that all the visual propaganda was stacked up on top of our beloved planted like dirty washing hanging out for everyone to see.
REally happy with the out come of this poster. the only thing i would change is how the image is composed with the arrangement of the elements. I think if i did this a gain i would do what i did on my first attempt and draw each image separately and scan it in , then build up the poster. this would give me a freedom to move the elements around and try new lay outs before settling on the final composion.
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