Question 6: To
what extent has Illustration constructed our understanding or view of
historical events and perceptions of truth?
Look at how illustration has been used to if at all has it
had a positive or negative effect on the world. How have the governments/media
used illustration to they gain.
Is comtempary illustration sensed and watered down so it is
best for the viewer and not true to what the artist believes.
I’m going to continue to look at Panopticism and how this is
theory feels very real in our modern world. Going to in investigate the subject
further and see where the theory has left us in our time. How could by be told
how to act and behave could this have a impacted in the creative world and does
it influence what kind of art is out in the world.
Look at the related subject such as architecture o see like
this subject subject that is very much identified by the time period it was
developed in.
How do historical event have a effect on the out come of
illustration and have we become too concerned with political correctness and nt
offending people to really draw what we
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