A Brief History Of Art Censorship From 1508 To 2014
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/16/art-censorship_n_6465010.htmlA few bits about art that has caused public upset - Art Censorship
These Are The Most Controversial Illustrations You Will See This Year
Powerful social commentary.
http://aplus.com/a/luis-quiles-controversial-art?no_monetization=trueLuis Quiles a Spanish artist he does illustrations of social issues but uses his own voice in the images which are very tough subjects but done in a way that helps us soft types look at the issue. Look up his work and others that address sensitive social issues and see if i can find any reviews on they work and what others say about them.
The naked truth: A history of art censorship
Tells how all though history art has been censored weather it be because it has nudity, political and religion. Religion seems to be a key theme emerging within censorship.
"The ongoing shock of the nude
Centuries after Michelangelo’s figures were forcibly clothed, nudity continued to shock the public, with new styles of production and differing approaches to the figure perpetuating the idea of the body as a battle ground."
"After all, if you demand the censorship of what you consider 'unacceptable' today... you leave yourself open for views / opinions that you cherish ending up deemed 'unacceptable' tomorrow."
Thomas Jefferson's statement is powerful. We should all repeat it a few times when censorship is placed on the table: "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a cause for withdrawing from a friend."
Thomas Jefferson's statement is powerful. We should all repeat it a few times when censorship is placed on the table: "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a cause for withdrawing from a friend."