Havard Refercnce
' The comic book industry was actually able to boost its sales during WWII, because the help in the war effort meant that comic books were spread from paper recycling. sales tripled from 1940-1945'.
Stromberg.F,(2010),'Comic Art Propaganda',1st,East Sussex,Ilex
Images from http://www.kingscollections.org/servingsoldier/collection/world-war-one-posters#Gallery

Targeted young men who where in the scouts to take up they music instruments as a weapon to be used in the war ???
Made people feel guilty for been single and not fighting to save they country.
Reading Maus by Art Spiegelman
Aulich,J(2011),War posters Weapons Of Mass Communication,London,Thames and Hudson Ltd.
What is Propaganda?
The hidden quality
Another defining quality of perfect propaganda is that it is hidden, such that the recipients perceive it and communications about it as a simple truth. The subject matter just becomes what is normal and the communicator of the message is not perceived as trying to persuade or manipulate.
In brief, then, propaganda is covert persuasion of large groups of people.
At the other end of the realization scale, if people perceive themselves as victims of manipulative machinations, then they will feel betrayed and hence rebel against the manipulator. This rebellion may be open or, if the manipulator has other power (such as military), then it may become subverted and covert.