Wednesday, 3 December 2014


1). Suggested Title of Research Project - 
Modern day Propaganda how they technics are influencing and controlling us today. mainly the Rich (1%) turning ourselves on each other to gain more profit. 
2). Significance - 
Why is this Research important, or interesting?
I want to look at how the world today and its "wonderful" mega powers plus others are manipulating and controlling nations and getting away with it as it is seen as normal behaviour.  Mainly looking at how the globally mega powers are so corrupt and influenced by the mega rich 1% that they can make up any lie and the public seem to eat it up and don't question it.
3). Primary and Secondary Sources - 
Include a preliminary bibliography of all sources that you intend to look at, referenced according to the Harvard system.

Books and things with pages and words, websites, blogs
4). Methods - 
Explain how you are going to undertake this Research Project, paying particular attention to how the practical side of the project relates to, or complements the written side.
Design and make posters that can influence people even if the stories are not true portray them as gospel, and pretend they are the truth as why would your country lie to you.
5). Limitations - 
Briefly explain what you will be focusing on, and why you have chosen this area rather than other possible areas of focus.
I find it very interesting how governments and big companies influence and manipulate the public with card stacking, name calling and getting everyone to jump on they propaganda bandwagons.  When they pick out a very small problem and turn it into a huge deal by broadcasting it all other our corrupt media, which in turn is choosing to ignore the huge problems that are the real cause to our problems. 
I am choosing this area instead of others as i am very interested by this subject and want to learn more about it try get some tasty facts along the way.
6). Essay Plan - This should be as detailed as possible, highlighting what will be addressed in the following sections of the essay, with indicative word counts assigned for each section.
     a) Introduction (??? words)

modern day propaganda the areas i'm going to look into, what methods are been used to influence us the public 
     b) Main Body - (??? words) include a summary of the main points of your argument, and how the argument will develop. Show how theoretical research will be incorporated into your argument.

look at what teh main political partys are doing to divide a nation and take our attention away from the criminal 1%.
     c) Visual Examples (??? words)- Focus on no more than 2 or 3 for an essay of this scale.

Press releases and card stacking methods been used to confuse the nation. 
     d) Conclusion (??? words)

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Study task 4

Havard Refercnce

' The comic book industry was actually able to boost its sales during WWII, because the help in the war effort meant that comic books were spread from paper recycling. sales tripled from 1940-1945'.

Stromberg.F,(2010),'Comic Art Propaganda',1st,East Sussex,Ilex

Images from

Targeted young men who where in the scouts to take up they music instruments as a weapon to be used in the war ???

Made people feel guilty for been single and not fighting to save they country.      

Reading Maus by Art Spiegelman

Aulich,J(2011),War posters Weapons Of Mass Communication,London,Thames and Hudson Ltd.

What is Propaganda?

The hidden quality

Another defining quality of perfect propaganda is that it is hidden, such that the recipients perceive it and communications about it as a simple truth. The subject matter just becomes what is normal and the communicator of the message is not perceived as trying to persuade or manipulate.
In brief, then, propaganda is covert persuasion of large groups of people.
At the other end of the realization scale, if people perceive themselves as victims of manipulative machinations, then they will feel betrayed and hence rebel against the manipulator. This rebellion may be open or, if the manipulator has other power (such as military), then it may become subverted and covert.

Feedback for analysis (essay)

  • To find out how the original poster was used to make people believe it was real.
  • how was it used
  • how can you tell weather a image is a fake or genuine 
  • would this kind of propaganda work today 
  • could of been a little more detailed
  • what medium was used 
  • talk about the composition of the image
  • fond another word for bold.
  • is it 500 words 
  • do i have a argument
  • is it intimidating, bullying tactics?
  • establish why it was made to look like this after its original use.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Study Task 3 - Visual Discourse Analysis

The poster is thought to have been used in World war One to recruit troops to go fight for they country and king. It was designed and produced to feature on the front of the magazine London Opinion magazine by Graphic Designer Alfred Leete. It features the face of war leader Lord Kitchener who was a popular leader in the eyes of the public but dint have a strong political backing. It is said he was creator and leader of mass army’s around the world. But it seems that in recent years the poster has been discovered to be a fake and was not and did not look like it does now when it was used.
The poster has large red text on the top with the simple word Britons, a direct call to all British people, then under that is the image of Lord Kitchener pointing his finger at you and its said it follows you around a room if you move, that’s with the text directly under it saying wants you in black text the wants is very small in comparison to the you which is again in large bold text. At the bottom of the poster is the text Join your country’s Army! with the bold statement of God save the king sitting at the bottom of the poster. All this is placed on a organist coloured paper.
 I feel that the posters direct aim was to appeal directly to the viewer and play the patriotic card. This makes the viewer feel wanted and without them they beloved country could fall in to enemy hands if they don’t join the cause and fight for king and country.

The way in which the poster has been designed would have made the people feel patriotic and a sense of warped pride that by going to war will help defeat the enemy and save the country from defeat and capture. I feel that the main parts of the poster that do this are the main header BRITONS and the big bold YOU, these are the elements that make the poster personal to which every British civilian is viewing the poster. Not only does it affect the males that will go off to fight in the war I also feel it would have had a direct appeal to the women of the nation to downing they daily duty’s and joining the cause by falling in to the empty factory’s and warehouses to take the roles of the men. With out this direct approach to the viewer the whole country could of ground to a halt and stopped, but instead it feels like it could of rallied everyone together to work as one. The image of Lord Kitchener is somewhat intimidating with him pointing his finger directly at you and his eyes that seem to be judging you on what decision you make they and then.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Study Task 2

Propaganda Art 

(Politics, history,)
Alfred Leete 1914